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Vedanta eBooks
  • Vedanta eBooks

The Official Digital Publications Store of Ramakrishna Math

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Frequently Asked Questions
1) What eBook format should I choose?
All our eBooks are in ePub/AZW format in Kindle and Google play marketplaces that are compatible to all hardware devices such as Desktop (Windows/Mac) / Mobile Devices (Android/Apple) / Kindle eReaders/Tablets.

2) How do I get your English and Tamil ebooks?
3) What languages are currently supported by your eBooks?
English, Tamil and Sanskrit eBooks

4) I have multiple mobile devices - can these eBooks be synced across various devices?
We recommend purchasing Kindle Books as it can be synced across various devices (Apple, Android and Kindle) with the Kindle App.

5) How can I subscribe to your eMagazines?
Our Vedanta Kesari and Ramakrishna Vijayam magazine are in PDF format in Magzter marketplace, you can subscribe for Annual plans and start reading the magazines on your favorite devices. Mobile apps are available from Magzter where you receive notifications when the new monthly issue arrives.

To subscribe to both the magazines, please visit

6) I have more questions...whom should I contact?
Please email your question to and we will answer your question next business day.